Friday, May 16, 2008

Another Rainy Day

This picture is for Rob, this is a picture of the police station/jail. We have one native police man who is 23. He is out of town right now so we have no one watching over us this weekend but hopefully all will be well.
Today was a very busy day at the clinic. I have realized that providing routine care for this population is far more difficult due to many reasons. The culture is very quiet and offer very little information. Even when you ask a questions the answer is always brief or unknown. So taking a history is lets say the biggest challenge far more than the physical assessment. Many patients are on medications but do not know what they take and is not found in the record. They do not speak until spoken to and often look away. Many people speak some english few speak very little english and we use an interpretor for them.
The women are very good to their children, very loving. I was told they do not believe in providing limits and rules for a child they believe they have to raise themself from life experience. Conducting clinics for the past three days I have noticed and interesting finding. Every patient serviced has one of about 5 last names for example you are either a Beaver, Wabasse, Yellowstone etc. I started seeing so many patient with the same last name and could not really understand but the whole community has one of about 5 of these last names. That is about 400 people. As far as the clinic goes it is like I have gone into a time warp back 20 years. Wow are we spoiled today. The nurse here does it all, client care, lab (draw and spin), pharmacy (she is the pharmacist). I can tell you one thing Sherri I love electronic charting.....this is for the birds cant find a darn thing. My sad case of the day was a 17 y.o who attempted suicide a week ago by slashing her wrists so I had to remove the sutures today. Nice kid has a 2 month old baby but hard life.

Well I will leave you with that and will try to update on weekend. I am hoping to get out but the rain has been a really downer so if I do I will take my camera.


Anonymous said...

Hey Does he need a side kick to run that Jail. Just Starting my first shift at the Brockville Jail 50 inmates and 8 coming in today should hit the seventies before Monday with weekend Bails. I bet there are alot less in that Jail especcially if the Jailer is out of town for the to you later have a safe weekend...Luv Rob

Anonymous said...

Hey did you notice that there is a brand new 09 Pontiac Montana in this picture....I wonder how they got the money for that?

Anonymous said...

I want to come spend a week sounds like you are learning a lot, oh and that last comment was me to hahaha Josh

Anonymous said...

I would assume that the Vehicles are property of the Canadian Government....not sure maybe our inside source will let us know..Rob

Anonymous said...

That's what I thought too, but I am surprised the government sends brand new vehicles I always suspected them of sending hand me downs from other government agencies. Josh

CA said...

havent seen any peoples up there yet whats up with that. want pic of u with peoples k. luv u ca

CA said...

oh ya i forgot bought something 4 the kiddies, u will love this. did they enjoy ur gifts. gone to any pow wows yet or is it to early.byyyyyye again