Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy Victoria Day........

This picture is for you CA…. you have been looking for people. I have been pretty careful taking pictures, as I do not want to offend them. I want to gain their trust and that takes time. This is an elder who makes leather crafts. She is very busy. She makes purses and moccasins. She showed me how she creates the beaded patterns for her items. She is very talented. She does not speak a word of English but we seemed to communicate pretty well. I am going back to have tea with her this week. The picture below is her home. Quiet day at the clinic, as it is a holiday. It is sunny and cold but just nice for a walk through the village.
Met the gas station attendant that informed me that gas is 1.65 per liter. I also asked him about how one can get some money here in the village. He told me that the money machine never has money in it but if you ask the store clerk they may be able to help me. I did find some money but what a process…the store does not have any money but the place to buy guns at the back of the store did which was lucky for me because they apparently do not have much cash in the village on hand.

They have an interact machine at the store in which you can use to purchase groceries but because they do not have cash you cannot do a cash back so lets hope I have enough to keep me until the end of this journey.
It is really different walking around this village. I get a sense of what it must have been like 100 years ago. The village is quiet the sound of a dog barking, the smell of wood burning from the chimneys and the sound of skidoos and four wheelers in the distance. No one is in a very big hurry. Few cars on the unpaved roads, houses sitting close together and every one knows everyone in this community. Met a familiar face on this trip, the caretaker from the station. He was on his four-wheeler getting ready to go hunting. Today he is after ducks, called them long tails. Some of you reading will be very interested to know that there are some weeks throughout the year here called cultural week. This is the first week of each hunting season. Individuals are given the week off work with pay (often more, last one lasted three weeks) if they are employed. It is their right as it is their way of life.


Anonymous said...

Ok this may be a stupid question but I hope you mean $1.65 a litre and not $165.00 it would cost more to fill the ski doo then it would to buy it......luv ya Rob

CyndiSue said...

Opps typo

CyndiSue said...

Fixed now love bug....xo

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you are settling in and meeting the locals. I am sure before your duration is up you will have met the whole reserve, thats what make's you such a unique individual,
personable,friendly and full of adventure. Keep up the good work talk soon...Luv ya Rob

Anonymous said...

Hello...happy Victoria Day hope alls well....Scott

Anonymous said...

now ur talkin ,great ,hope u can buy those slippers. they look beautiful. she must be the upper class as her neighbor has a dish. what other means of income do they have. when u say day off ,besides fishin,huntin,crafts. is there a clothin store or do they have to go all the way to suelook out. it looks challengin. keep up the good work thinkin bout u daily. u will remember this 4 ever. play safe and we miss u luv lots bye talk later.

Anonymous said...

sorry didnt sign in the silly questions were me if u havent guessed by now of my typin. its only short form. luv lots CA

CyndiSue said...

Miss you too CA! No there is no clothing store a few articles are found in the grocery store but not much the only things are in Camo (sp?) a hunters dream....nice eh....

Anonymous said...

Cammo now your talkin my language...Rob

Anonymous said...

Mom this is so cool, I miss you ALOT but I can tell you are gaining an amazing experience!!! I will read everyday so keep me updated LOVE YOU!! CALL ME AND CAIT!! XOXOXO

Anonymous said...

well u must be busy talk later luv and we miss u hope things r makin a memory. ca

Anonymous said...

Cyndi: These blogs are absolutely amazing and serves to remind us to be satisfied with what we have in ONT. Why don't you write a book about your experiences? What an educational aid for kids. Have looked up info on net where you are. "Keep on keeping on" & keep these blogs coming........Aunt G.