Monday, June 9, 2008

The Feast Part II...........

So what does the inside of a teepee look like anyway?

I thought you might be interested so I have taken a few pictures to show you. They are all built the same way and in the center of the teepee is usually the place for a fire. This is a different size in every teepee depending on how big you want

the grilling area. Chairs are placed around the fire and tables located in each for storage.
This is a woman that works at the clinic arranging telehealth. She was busy preparing food for the feast most of the weekend. Every day she cooked a variety of things. Today she was boiling moose meat, beaver, goose and frying hamburgs. She was also going to boil up some potatoes.

She told us some interesting facts about moss. I have posted a picture below of the moss she collected from the woods. The purpose of the
moss is to use much like a dish cloth or a paper towel. She said she washes her pots with this and it is very absorbant. She said this is very common and has been handed down for generations. She also told me that there is another moss type that is orange in colour that she used to dry, place in a

pillow case and use as a diaper for her children. She said the moss is very absorbant and that all people of her generation always used this form of diaper. The clinic was busy today. We have a physician here for three days to see outstanding issues and problems. The list is very long but only the most urgent can be seen on this visit. Patients are bumped from month to month in hopes of seeing the Doctor. Many of the chronic patients

need to be assessed by the physician for medication renewal etc. This is one area where NP's would be helpful in the North working in collaboration with the physician located in one of the base hospitals. the lists are so long that sometimes people just fall off and are forgotten. Currently the Northern Stations do not employ NP's but this is currently being looked at for implementation. Many medications that could be

prescribed by an NP requrie a physicians order often causing a delay for treatment. So a new model will soon be implemented. Saw some interesting cases today so just to review a few (this is for Wendy!). I had a three year old that the mother has noticed him limping for a week. She was concerned and did not know why this was happening. When I stripped the toddler down he was obviously knock knees which we would call genum valgus with it very pronounced in one leg more than another. Once I drew her attention to this she could see it very well. So this will requrie a consult.....I also had a severe cellulitis of the arm that required IV antibiotics another interesting history with the fella needing a translator. Very very difficult this history taking with an interpretor..... I have another woman I have been following for hematuria unrelated to infection (blood in urine) so great to do the investigation and follow up. To the left is a pic of the moss used as dish cloths just in case any of you are lost in the woods

and have to improvise.

More moss pictures......

Oh yeah forgot to tell you the pic above with the pots on the fire if you see the bread on the left it is bannock she has made for hamburg buns. You will remember my post on bannock bread and its history......

Put us right to work...

Elijah......can you tell us anything else that would be interesting...........

Ok on to Feast Part III the vittals......


Anonymous said...

Ok now I want to know which of the fiddles you sampled, can hardley get you to eat venison but if you like the muskrat we have lots around the pond Im sure I can get you a few. It all looks so facinating and such a cultural experiance I only wish I would have been able to make the trip and experiance some of it with you..Miss Ya Luv Ya talk soon Rob

Anonymous said...

I miss you too babe and think of you every day. Won't be long now and your private nurse will be home to look after your every need!
Love ya Cyndisue

Anonymous said...

Did they let you help prepare and cook the food? What does bannock bread taste like, is it heavy or light tasting bread? Well you trip is almost over and you'll be going home soon, I bet u can't wait until you get to see everyone! Love Ya Valorie :)

Michelle Munro said...

I am so excited that you enjoyed your time in Summer Beaver. We spent 3 years there, while my husband taught. Our two children have very fond memories of life in the North. We often talk about our time there and how much we would love to go back and visit. From your pictures, it looks like not much has changed and the people you met are the same as those we met....Sophie does not look quite as spry as she use to, but I am sure she is still full of all her wisdom!