Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Feast.............

Ok so who ever bet that I would go you were right. The feast was held all weekend but most of the weekend it rained except today Sunday. Nice today it was sunny but still a bit cool. The picture to the left are two nurses I am working with here and this is the boat launch area for the river at the feast area. The fishing is really good through the river as well they use the river to get to other areas to hunt. The pics below are of the tee pees that are set up and left up for any community celebration feasts. Apparently in the

fall there is a really big hunting comptetition held here. It is held over two days. The idea is to bag the most quantity of game and fish during these two days. The prize is 10, 000, wow. They go out in the boats from the lauch above and hunt and fish for two days. If they get a moose or caribou they simply have to bring the head back while they have the rest hanging in trees where they are shot. All game is counted including muskrat. It was hard for me to give you a sense of the area as it was spread out. Kids were

playing in various areas but the adults were mainly in the tee pees cooking their food. I was so glad I got to see how they used the tee pee. A woman who works at the clinic gave me the tour and lots of info I can share over the next couple of days. Another fella that I cared for invited me into his tee pee to meet his family and watch the customary cooking. I have so many pics I will stagger the posts and dont want to bore you all at once. Funny to see the field full of tee pees and then newer vehicles parked around.

The tarps are left on most tee pees year round as again I am sure you will remember that they use these to smoke their meat. Saw patients at the clinic this am and started with an early start. The first patient of the day had ingested some medications (too much of various things) so required some charcoal and then a medivac. Interesting to note again the patient goes to the ambulance in a van with the nurse once at the airport unfortunatley gates were locked so could not get in. Thankfully our police escort was able

to jump the fence at the air strip and let the patient though to the waiting plane. More challenges.

We arrived in the truck you see with the white cab, compliments of Health Canada.....

Each of these tee pees were filled with people. Remined me of camping with a fire in the centre of the tent. Came home and thought I had been sitting around a campfire, no smores though!

If you want more on the feast stay tuned, I have some cool pics of some very intersting vittals????


Anonymous said...

So glad the weather broke and you were able to get out and take part in the feast very interesting and am looking forward to more blog entries on this.
Not much happening hear more rain forcasted with thunderstorms.

Wont be long now count down is on ..Love Ya miss ya Rob

Anonymous said...

Sorry Cyndi only just seen this comment thing......but i am enjoying reading your blog so don't stop. hope you get some more in today as i only have till 12noon tuesday then i will be out of commission for a while. so get writing i want to see the photos of inside the Tee pee....later Paula.

Anonymous said...

No problem Paula posted just for you!!!!! Oh my so soon, well better to get it over with. So glad you are enjoying the blog. Hope all is well you take care and I will come to see you when I get back. We have to go plant shopping! Cyndi

Anonymous said...

Holy crap this is reall y cool mom. I am so glad that you decided to go! I miss you so much but what your doing is worth all the heart ache. Love Boo Boo xox