Saturday, May 17, 2008

Proud Hunter and Corner Store....Like our Mac's Milk

I think this home owner is a man who is proud to be a hunter, bet Scott and Rob are jealous and no Rob we are not hanging those things off the house either so don't even ask. Forgot to tell you yesterday that I had an interesting case come in with her 2 month old baby with cold symptoms. She told me quickly that her baby's bottom lip was burned because she took her to the local traditional healer and he had a long pipe or such that he was blowing smoke into the babys face and she got burned. She told me that the baby had a heart murmur and that he was healing her.

The picture to the left is the corner store that is open when the regular store is closed (picture with the 4 wheeler on its side). Yes I went in and acutally purchased something.

I posted the note on bannock because I went to a bake sale today in a local home and they were selling this bread as well as indian tocos and hot dogs wrapped in bannock this is the traditional bread. A local woman was baking pies, tarts, bread, tacos and other things and her home was full of people. Anyway I was interested in the history so I am sharing that with you.

Someone made a very interesting comment yesterday. We spend a great deal of money to support world peace and humanity. I really wonder if anyone ever put much thought into looking after our own country. I think about the box's that I have participated in putting together with tooth brushes, soap, toys etc to be sent to a needy country. If more people could see what is happening in Northern Ontario I think the box's would be coming here. This is our third world right in our very own country.


Anonymous said...

This is so true mom. IT is sad how naive most canadians are about this awful situation. They did not ask for this yet for some reason it is "their fault" and they dont deserve anything from us bc they get free tax's etc etc. so many misconseptions. Im so proud of you for taking this risk and seeing what it is really like and why it is the way it is. keep posting these as i am very interested in all of this. love you mom. BE SAFE!! xoxox Cait

Anonymous said...

Wow.. I was off line for only 2 days... You have done so much already! You are so brave to be doing this. I am really proud to call you my Sista. You really do make the world a better place. Keep posting. It really is a whole different world out there.. yet so close to home! Miss you lots. Keep up the good work. Send me your phone # . Love you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the interesting information a totally different world for sure. Would love to go Moose Hunting with the store keeper.

Well hopefully the ice is out before I arrive, was to C-Tire and bought some heavy fishing line and tackle in anticapation of doing some fishing and I hate ice fishing..

Luv ya Play safe talk soon.....Rob

Anonymous said...

Hey Cyndi: What an interesting story you will have to relate when you return. Here I am sitting in my warm house today looking out at the geese on the water & these unfortunate people are eeking out a living in god's land. It isn't right at all. Our MP's should be sent up north for a month & perhaps they would wake up & spend our money for Cdns. Your blogs should go to Ottawa & maybe there is half a brain down there that will sit up & do something. I am proud of you.............aunt g.