Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Todays adventure........

Ok I know all of the women reading this blog are saying awwwwwe so cute. Babies are often carried by this means and they told me the name but again did not have a pen so could not write it down and hard to understand the language. I really have not seen anything sweeter. I met them on my nightly walk. They were so friendly. I think I am starting to be accepted in this community. I have made a point of walking into the village almost nightly. I have so much to tell and I know not enough time. Well I did some suturing today. Funny thing our dentist is in town and he told me I could hang out a bit with him and I could suture sockets after he pulls the tooth. I know some of you are thinking I am really sick but I guess I am.....hahah. It was interesting and I will do some more tomorrow if I have time. Wendy P we need you up here it is so bad. As you know many diabetics and no regular follow up, that is until I arrived. My whys are routine why aren't we drawing for ............. so now I just do it. Obesity is quite prevalent and the oral contraceptive of choice is Depo...for obvious reasons. So todays visit included pneumonia, strep throat, viral URI, low back pain, atopic dermatitis, a few stop by for injections, well baby check, post partum assessment, diabetes assessment one after hours knee trauma (knee sprain) and of course my fun trying to be a dentist haha.
I am trying to answer some of the questions posted by you all daily i will keep looking for the answers so dont give up. Rob this one is for you. Interesting way of getting power. You asked me where the power lines go to and I have found out. Summer Beaver is powered by Diesel fuel. So the lines go to the fuel which I have seen. They are the biggest tanks I have ever seen with Diesel. The nurses at the station told me it was likely for trucks but I have found the real truth from a local who tells me that the Diesel gives them power and when the Diesel runs low they loose power (yikes). Scott thank you for being worried about me, yes I have lots to eat. I had brought so much had to pay 150.00 extra for being over on weight, mind you I was only allowed 35 lbs so someone is making a killing. Oh yeah there are now three of us sharing my room so it is one big happy family. I have so much more but I will save for tomorrow. Take care to all of you and will post again tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Morning Hun

So glad to hear you are settling in and that you are being accepted into the community, I knew you would as that is what makes you special, however it does ease my mind about your safety. Your blog is becoming such a big hit I think we all wait daily for updates as it is so fascinating and informative. I printed it off and took a copy to POP he was so thrilled with it he called me and told me he liked it so much he read it three times and cant wait to see more. You are an amazing person with such spirit keep up the could work be safe and will talk soon ..Luv Rob

Anonymous said...

That baby is the sweetest thing! It's so amazing to see that way of life. I agree with Rob...I definitely look forward each day to your latest entry! It will be sad when the 6 weeks is up and the blog is no more....but the pay off will be having you back home!! Keep up the amazing work! Love you Sista!
P.S. Send me your address please!!!

Sharon said...

Hi Cyndi, its Shar-dog. The Fultons' love your blogging also. I'm sorry its so cold there, but its not great here either, so you are not missing much as far as the weather goes. At least you don't have to deal with the bugs yet. I am waiting to see picture of a bear!!!! Yikes, be careful. It sounds like your clinic is a busy place. I hope it makes your days there go by fast. Bye for now. Take care of yourself, and everyone else you meet.

Anonymous said...

Hey mom! Julie says hi and your blog looks very interesting and thinks its amazing what you are doing there. |Brenda hopes you enjoy your last few weeks and have a safe return! Britt said she misses you and loves you sooooooooo much. We are all chilling at Brenda's tonight. Thought i would show them your blog page. love you mom!! xoxoxoxo