Thursday, May 22, 2008

On my walk last night I came across several of these teepee's. They infact are not used for living in they are used for smoking their meet. I had a chat with our night watchman last night and he told me that this is done frequently especially with moose and fish as the meat stays longer smoked. Interesting man, showed me many pictures of their fishing trips. Amazing the number of fish they catch at one time. He said that this time of year they go to the rapids at night with a light and a net and come home with a feast of walleye. He also said that across the bay at the beach they are so close to shore you just have to put your hand in the water and scoop them up.
Apparently their is a fishing camp frequented by the Americans 25 miles from here called Fishbasket lodge? Have not had a chance to look it up but worth a google.
The picture to the left you see is across the road from the picture above so this is the house on the lake. The lawn ornaments are very common here again I am sure you have noted in several pictures.
Found the name of the papoose that was posted yesterday for anyone interested it is a Tikanogan.

Cute pup I saw on my walk, lots of dogs here I am sure most are not spayed or neutered.
I had a busy day at the clinic again with much the same as back home. Interesting though the other things you have to consider. You can't drink the water here so we always have to consider this in our clinical decision making. Questions like do you drink the water, do you boil it etc. Saw a 51 year old female today that wanted a ganglion removed because it bothered her when she was cutting wood. Truely a different life.
Well I am really tired tonight so I will sign off for now but will get back to this tomorrow. I do miss home and all of you! Take care......


Anonymous said...

Thought I would write my morning comment hope you got some rest last night as you really sounded tired on the phone. Looks like things are starting to thaw from the picture of the pup, there looks like water and not ice in the background, with any luck you may get to see spring a second time this year, its not everyone can say they had two springs in the same year not to mention the blackflies again!!!!.
Hope you have a great day stay strong be safe and will talk soon..Luv Rob

Anonymous said...