Monday, May 26, 2008

Saturday May 24th........

So today I walked up to the power station. It was on a dead end road off the beaten trail past the 5 star motel I told you about. The road to the power station is quiet and there are no homes it is basically wooded and on a penninsula. I was half way down the road and I cought a glimpse of vehicles that belonged in a wreck yard, piles of roof tin, and other pieces of old machinery. I, for the first time felt uneasy. I had hoped noone had followed me or better yet that bear had not wakened up from his long winters nap.
I just put my earphones in my ears and pushed the thought out of my head. The day was beautiful I wore a tank top and guess what no bugs.....
Checked my internet to find out I was still out of luck. I was disappointed as I know that some of you like to keep tabs on me. So after seeing these pictures do you think you may have been a bit uneasy? I just kept thinking I think I have seen a movie like this and I am sure that the person got killed.....

More abandoned vehicles....

Walking up to the power plant.

I still am not sure how this works maybe someone out there reading can post if you have an idea. Do you think it is really run by diesel like a local person told me?

This is so common, one of the first days that I was in town I noticed some men that tied their aluminum boat to a ski-doo and towed it across the ice to some open water. They like to go to the rapids to fish as the fish are spawning and as you know there are not rules for hunting here it is open all year long. In this picture they are carrying the boat but as you can see the open water in front they better hold onto the boat....


Anonymous said...

K..those abandoned vehicles are seriously creepy! The name of the movie could be "I know what you did last Summer(Beaver)"...hahaha

Be careful! OMG...earphones??? How the heck would you hear a bear or a physcopath coming up behind you,if you have music blarring??

Anonymous said...

Tell me that Tractor is not scrap metal, the thing looks like it has hardely ever been used...Miss YA Rob

Anonymous said...

In regards to the Power Plant it most definetly is a Diesel Generation plant as I found the noted link below on the installation of the System if anyone is interested..Rob

Anonymous said...

Just figured out how to send this kind of message. I'm slow. I'll have to show Vicki if I think of it tomorrow. She was asking. So how does the fish taste??? Getting used to everything up there. When you get back you are going to be so laid back we won't recognize you. Sure hope you are enjoying it

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy:
Hope you are doing well.
Trying to look after your girls for you. How do you do it?
Everything is going well at Cedar Valley. We will treat you to a great meal when you get back.
Stay safe.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cyndi, really enjoying your trip and I can tell you are as well...glad you are comfortable in your surroundings or you would not be quite so adventurous....look forward to seeing you soon, hopefully moving day at Betty' pickeral fish fry maybe?

Love Shirley and Jerry